To prepare sacramental celebrations, especially the Eucharist, so that they become occasions for communal prayer which nourish and uplift the assembly.
To offer and promote spiritual devotions (i.e. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, public recitation of the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, etc.) which will help foster the faith of our members.
To nurture the faith of our parishioners by planning programs for spiritual enrichment.
To assist in making St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish a community in which people can come to know one another, to share their lives and concerns, and to find support for their faith.
To ensure good communications among all staff and groups in our parish and to provide effective publicity for parish events.
To initiate and support the growth of mutual understanding and common action among the different faiths to foster ecumenism.
To offer active programming to reach out to our non-practicing Catholics and the unchurched.
To offer opportunities that support and encourage the growth of family life, especially in the areas of communication, the sharing of self, and the spirituality of the family, including outreach to single-parent families, the widowed, separated and divorced.
To educate parishioners in the teachings of the Church on social justice as an essential part of living our Christian beliefs and practices.
To offer support and network with the local food pantries and outreach to our community
To explore and educate about particular problems of social justice within our parish and about social issues of wider concern.
To investigate problems of social justice and coordinate the Parish’s response on local, national and global levels, especially to the needs of the sick, the oppressed, the imprisoned, and others.